57 whole years today you were born!
Like all new borns,
The beginning seemed as if you had all the time in the world to grow.
Today it is clear so much water has passed under the bridge,
And you don’t have all the time in the world to grow after all.
It is time to grow into full maturity.
You have shed tears, you have shed blood,
You have known so much sorrow, so much bitterness.
Some progress has been made, in spite of all the travails.
The future remains bright.
You must now get up and dry your tears,
Stitch your wounds, mend your heart,
As backsliding is not an option.
You are overflowing with milk and honey,
You must not let all these go to waste.
You must claim all the progress that lies ahead.
A little more maturity, some more patience,
A lot more hard work, and success is surely within reach.
Happy birthday Nigeria!